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About OrderFrom.co.uk

Hi, I'm David and in addition to my regular day job (looking after the programmes that come out of the speakers at Minster FM) I have a couple of little 'side hustles' running a wedding disco company and a designing and building websites/web apps, many for hospitality businesses. With both of these impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak I wanted to do something to help those hospitality businesses who have started to offer takeaway/delivery but don't have the regular web infrastructure to take orders.

Of course, when things turn good again if I can help with your web project in the future feel free to get in touch david@orderfrom.co.uk. Normally my websites look better than this one but this was built in a hurry! You can take a look at some recent ones here:-

Odddfellows Carlton
Old Station Country Music Festival
The Potions Cauldron

In an attempt to replace some of the money lost through cancelled wedding discos I'm offering a special offer on a single page, updatable, responsive website - £100 including .co.uk domain name - an example can be found here contact me if you'd like the full details of this offer.
OrderFrom has been set up as a free services to help hospitality businesses during the Coronavirus outbreak.

This site is provided 'as is' and no guarantees are provided that it is free from bugs or other problems.